
/おもてなし 国際ワークショップ 2010


大社町は出雲大社の門前町として栄え、旧暦十月には全国から八百万の神々が集まり神議を行う町として有名である。その際、神々の玄関口とされるのが『稲佐の浜』で、そこから出雲大社へ向かう道を『神迎の道』という。この計65000㎡に及ぶ場所を舞台に、訪れる神々に対する3つの”おもてなし” を提案した。

It was a work proposed by Ocean Law Studios in the city planning workshop “CitySwitch” project, held in Izumo City, Shimane prefecture and participated as a lecturer.
The Ocean Law studio selected Taishacho Kizukihigashi in Izumo, Shimane Prefecture as the activity place.
Taishacho Kizukihigashi flourished as the monzenmachi (the town in front of a temple) of izumo taisha shirne. The city became famous because of a spiritual ceremony called “Kamimukae”. In October of the lunar calendar, eight million gods gather from all over the country entering through “the beach of Inasa”, and they walk to the Izumo Taisha Shrine, following the “Kamimukae no michi”, “the way of the gods”.

We set up three “omotenashi” (hospitality for guests) for the visiting gods, set in this total space of 65000 m².
1, the first move was clear the sandy beach, which is the gateway for the gods, and made it beautiful.
2, By plowing like a line on a sandy beach, we laid a friendly carpet on the tired legs of the journey.
3, We suspended the lights along the path of the spirits, to shine brightly to guide them to Izumo Taisha.