Nomadic economy conception

/遊牧経済圏構想 2015



展覧会名:Modern Ger

展覧会「Nomadic Rhapsody」に出展
会場:建築倉庫ミュージアム 展示室B


This urban planning proposal integrates — while in respect of — both capitalism and nomadic culture, unique to Mongolia, to actualize an “Area of Nomadic Economy.”
Currently, half the population of Mongolia resides in Ulaanbaatar due to the recent land privatizations — a shift from 90 percent of the population previously leading a nomadic lifestyle and from being a socialist state post-Cold War era. As a result of the heavy concentration of the population, the country faces an uncontrolled expansion of the slums, called the ger districts, accompanied by other issues that follow modernization, such as traffic congestions and air pollution. It seemed the conflict between the desire to preserve the nomadic lifestyle and the wish to provide children with an opportunity of education, appeared as a kind of a warp of the city’s appearance.
This proposal details a construction along the road from Ulaanbaatar, past two old and new international airports, to the neighboring suburb, Zuunmod, as if to gently trace the sloping valleys between mountain ranges. We call the area within 1.2 km of this road an “Area of Nomadic Economy.”
The “Area of Nomadic Economy” is a place promoting the interchange among city dwellers and nomadic people living in the area, as well as the practice of creative and innovative economic activities. For instance, a facility within the area, where the nomadic people can temporarily leave their livestock at (also functioning as an animal hospital), allows for easier access to the city, as well as providing an opportunity for city dwellers to see the animals. Also, a horse racing venue will serve both a place to preserve the long history of Mongolian horseracing and to contribute to the economy.
We believe the actualization of intertwining nomadic lifestyle and modern economic activities will, in the long run, manifest a cutting-edge contemporary city attracting not only the locals but also tourists and corporations.

Exhibition name: Modern Ger
Organized by: Mongolian Architects Union (UMA)
Place: Mongolian Architects Union (UMA) 1st floor
Exhibitors Architect: Li Ying-jeou, Kentaro Takeuchi, Tomohiro Uda, Yoichiro Hayashi, Kei Hajimei
Period: September 26 – October 10, 2015

Exhibited name: “Nomadic Rhapsody”
Organized by: Archi-depot
Place: Archi-depot Museum Exhibition Room B
Period: October 21, 2018 – January 14, 2019


▽写真上:ウランバートルの眺め           ▽▽下:ゲル地区
▽Upper photo: View of Ulaanbaatar     ▽▽ lower: Ger district